1. Core concepts
  2. Theme variables

Core concepts

Theme variables

Using utility classes as an API for your design tokens.


Tailwind is a framework for building custom designs, and different designs need different typography, colors, shadows, breakpoints, and more.

These low-level design decisions are often called design tokens, and in Tailwind projects you store those values in theme variables.

What are theme variables?

Theme variables are special CSS variables defined using the @theme directive that influence which utility classes exist in your project.

For example, you can add a new color to your project by defining a theme variable like --color-mint-500:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--color-mint-500: oklch(0.72 0.11 178);

Now you can use utility classes like bg-mint-500, text-mint-500, or fill-mint-500 in your HTML:

<div class="bg-mint-500">
<!-- ... -->

Tailwind also generates regular CSS variables for your theme variables so you can reference your design tokens in arbitrary values or inline styles:

<div style="background-color: var(--color-mint-500)">
<!-- ... -->

Learn more about how theme variables map to different utility classes in the theme variable namespaces documentation.

Why @theme instead of :root?

Theme variables aren't just CSS variables — they also instruct Tailwind to create new utility classes that you can use in your HTML.

Since they do more than regular CSS variables, Tailwind uses special syntax so that defining theme variables is always explicit. Theme variables are also required to be defined top-level and not nested under other selectors or media queries, and using a special syntax makes it possible to enforce that.

Defining regular CSS variables with :root can still be useful in Tailwind projects when you want to define a variable that isn't meant to be connected to a utility class. Use @theme when you want a design token to map directly to a utility class, and use :root for defining regular CSS variables that shouldn't have corresponding utility classes.

Relationship to utility classes

Some utility classes in Tailwind like flex and object-cover are static, and are always the same from project to project. But many others are driven by theme variables, and only exist because of the theme variables you've defined.

For example, theme variables defined in the --font-* namespace determine all of the font-family utilities that exist in a project:

@theme {
--font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
--font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
--font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace;
/* ... */

The font-sans, font-serif, and font-mono utilities only exist by default because Tailwind's default theme defines the --font-sans, --font-serif, and --font-mono theme variables.

If another theme variable like --font-poppins were defined, a font-poppins utility class would become available to go with it:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--font-poppins: Poppins, sans-serif;
<h1 class="font-poppins">This headline will use Poppins.</h1>

You can name your theme variables whatever you want within these namespaces, and a corresponding utility with the same name will become available to use in your HTML.

Relationship to variants

Some theme variables are used to define variants rather than utilities. For example theme variables in the --breakpoint-* namespace determine which responsive breakpoint variants exist in your project:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--breakpoint-3xl: 120rem;

Now you can use the 3xl:* variant to only trigger a utility when the viewport is 120rem or wider:

<div class="3xl:grid-cols-6 grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-4">
<!-- ... -->

Learn more about how theme variables map to different utility classes and variants in the theme variable namespaces documentation.

Theme variable namespaces

Theme variables are defined in namespaces and each namespace corresponds to one or more utility class or variant APIs.

Defining new theme variables in these namespaces will make new corresponding utilities and variants available in your project:

NamespaceUtility classes
--color-*Color utilities like bg-red-500, text-sky-300, and many more
--font-*Font family utilities like font-sans
--text-*Font size utilities like text-xl
--font-weight-*Font weight utilities like font-bold
--tracking-*Letter spacing utilities like tracking-wide
--leading-*Line height utilities like leading-tight
--breakpoint-*Responsive breakpoint variants like sm:*
--container-*Container query variants like @sm:* and size utilities like max-w-md
--spacing-*Spacing and sizing utilities like px-4, max-h-16, and many more
--radius-*Border radius utilities like rounded-sm
--shadow-*Box shadow utilities like shadow-md
--inset-shadow-*Inset box shadow utilities like inset-shadow-xs
--drop-shadow-*Drop shadow filter utilities like drop-shadow-md
--blur-*Blur filter utilities like blur-md
--perspective-*Perspective utilities like perspective-near
--aspect-*Aspect ratio utilities like aspect-video
--ease-*Transition timing function utilities like ease-out
--animate-*Animation utilities like animate-spin

For a list of all of the default theme variables, see the default theme variable reference.

Default theme variables

When you import tailwindcss at the top of your CSS file, it includes a set of default theme variables to get you started.

Here's what you're actually importing when you import tailwindcss:

@layer theme, base, components, utilities;
@import "./theme.css" layer(theme);
@import "./preflight.css" layer(base);
@import "./utilities.css" layer(utilities);

That theme.css file includes the default color palette, type scale, shadows, fonts, and more:

@theme {
--font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
--font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
--font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace;
--color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38);
--color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717);
--color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334);
/* ... */
--shadow-2xs: 0 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05);
--shadow-xs: 0 1px 2px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05);
--shadow-sm: 0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 1px 2px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1);
/* ... */

This is why utilities like bg-red-200, font-serif, and shadow-sm exist out of the box — they're driven by the default theme, not hardcoded into the framework like flex-col or pointer-events-none.

For a list of all of the default theme variables, see the default theme variable reference.

Customizing your theme

The default theme variables are very general purpose and suitable for building dramatically different designs, but they are still just a starting point. It's very common to customize things like the color palette, fonts, and shadows to build exactly the design you have in mind.

Extending the default theme

Use @theme to define new theme variables and extend the default theme:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--font-script: Great Vibes, cursive;

This makes a new font-script utility class available that you can use in your HTML, just like the default font-sans or font-mono utilities:

<p class="font-script">This will use the Great Vibes font family.</p>

Learn more about how theme variables map to different utility classes and variants in the theme variable namespaces documentation.

Overriding the default theme

Override a default theme variable value by redefining it within @theme:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--breakpoint-sm: 30rem;

Now the sm:* variant will trigger at 30rem instead of the default 40rem viewport size:

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-3">
<!-- ... -->

To completely override an entire namespace in the default theme, set the entire namespace to initial using the special asterisk syntax:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--color-*: initial;
--color-white: #fff;
--color-purple: #3f3cbb;
--color-midnight: #121063;
--color-tahiti: #3ab7bf;
--color-bermuda: #78dcca;

When you do this, all of the default utilities that use that namespace (like bg-red-500) will be removed, and only your custom values (like bg-midnight) will be available.

Learn more about how theme variables map to different utility classes and variants in the theme variable namespaces documentation.

Using a custom theme

To completely disable the default theme and use only custom values, set the global theme variable namespace to initial:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--*: initial;
--spacing: 4px;
--font-body: Inter, sans-serif;
--color-lagoon: oklch(0.72 0.11 221.19);
--color-coral: oklch(0.74 0.17 40.24);
--color-driftwood: oklch(0.79 0.06 74.59);
--color-tide: oklch(0.49 0.08 205.88);
--color-dusk: oklch(0.82 0.15 72.09);

Now none of the default utility classes that are driven by theme variables will be available, and you'll only be able to use utility classes matching your custom theme variables like font-body and text-dusk.

Defining animation keyframes

Define the @keyframes rules for your --animate-* theme variables within @theme to include them in your generated CSS:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--animate-fade-in-scale: fade-in-scale 0.3s ease-out;
@keyframes fade-in-scale {
0% {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale(0.95);
100% {
opacity: 1;
transform: scale(1);

If you want your custom @keyframes rules to always be included even when not adding an --animate-* theme variable, define them outside of @theme instead.

Referencing other variables

When defining theme variables that reference other variables, use the inline option:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme inline {
--font-sans: var(--font-inter);

Using the inline option, the utility class will use the theme variable value instead of referencing the actual theme variable:

.font-sans {
font-family: var(--font-inter);

Without using inline, your utility classes might resolve to unexpected values because of how variables are resolved in CSS.

For example, this text will fall back to sans-serif instead of using Inter like you might expect:

<div id="parent" style="--font-sans: var(--font-inter, sans-serif);">
<div id="child" style="--font-inter: Inter; font-family: var(--font-sans);">
This text will use the sans-serif font, not Inter.

This happens because var(--font-sans) is resolved where --font-sans is defined (on #parent), and --font-inter has no value there since it's not defined until deeper in the tree (on #child).

Generating all CSS variables

By default only used CSS variables will be generated in the final CSS output. If you want to always generate all CSS variables, you can use the static theme option:

@import "tailwindcss";
@theme static {
--color-primary: var(--color-red-500);
--color-secondary: var(--color-blue-500);

Sharing across projects

Since theme variables are defined in CSS, sharing them across projects is just a matter of throwing them into their own CSS file that you can import in each project:

@theme {
--*: initial;
--spacing: 4px;
--font-body: Inter, sans-serif;
--color-lagoon: oklch(0.72 0.11 221.19);
--color-coral: oklch(0.74 0.17 40.24);
--color-driftwood: oklch(0.79 0.06 74.59);
--color-tide: oklch(0.49 0.08 205.88);
--color-dusk: oklch(0.82 0.15 72.09);

Then you can use @import to include your theme variables in other projects:

@import "tailwindcss";
@import "../brand/theme.css";

You can put shared theme variables like this in their own package in monorepo setups or even publish them to NPM and import them just like any other third-party CSS files.

Using your theme variables

All of your theme variables are turned into regular CSS variables when you compile your CSS:

:root {
--font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
--font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
--font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace;
--color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38);
--color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717);
--color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334);
/* ... */
--shadow-2xs: 0 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05);
--shadow-xs: 0 1px 2px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05);
--shadow-sm: 0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1), 0 1px 2px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1);
/* ... */

This makes it easy to reference all of your design tokens in any of your custom CSS or inline styles.

With custom CSS

Use your theme variables to get access to your design tokens when you're writing custom CSS that needs to use the same values:

@import "tailwindcss";
@layer components {
.typography {
p {
font-size: var(--text-base);
color: var(--color-gray-700);
h1 {
font-size: var(--text-2xl--line-height);
font-weight: var(--font-weight-semibold);
color: var(--color-gray-950);
h2 {
font-size: var(--text-xl);
font-weight: var(--font-weight-semibold);
color: var(--color-gray-950);

This is often useful when styling HTML you don't control, like Markdown content coming from a database or API and rendered to HTML.

With arbitrary values

Using theme variables in arbitrary values can be useful, especially in combination with the calc() function.

<div class="relative rounded-xl">
<div class="absolute inset-px rounded-[calc(var(--radius-xl)-1px)]">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

In the above example, we're subtracting 1px from the --radius-xl value on a nested inset element to make sure it has a concentric border radius.

Referencing in JavaScript

Most of the time when you need to reference your theme variables in JS you can just use the CSS variables directly, just like any other CSS value.

For example, the popular Motion library for React lets you animate to and from CSS variable values:

<motion.div animate={{ backgroundColor: "var(--color-blue-500)" }} />

If you need access to a resolved CSS variable value in JS, you can use getComputedStyle to get the value of a theme variable on the document root:

let styles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
let shadow = styles.getPropertyValue("--shadow-xl");

Default theme variable reference

For reference, here's a complete list of the theme variables included by default when you import Tailwind CSS into your project:

@theme {
--font-sans: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
--font-serif: ui-serif, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
--font-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace;
--color-red-50: oklch(0.971 0.013 17.38);
--color-red-100: oklch(0.936 0.032 17.717);
--color-red-200: oklch(0.885 0.062 18.334);
--color-red-300: oklch(0.808 0.114 19.571);
--color-red-400: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
--color-red-500: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331);
--color-red-600: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--color-red-700: oklch(0.505 0.213 27.518);
--color-red-800: oklch(0.444 0.177 26.899);
--color-red-900: oklch(0.396 0.141 25.723);
--color-red-950: oklch(0.258 0.092 26.042);
--color-orange-50: oklch(0.98 0.016 73.684);
--color-orange-100: oklch(0.954 0.038 75.164);
--color-orange-200: oklch(0.901 0.076 70.697);
--color-orange-300: oklch(0.837 0.128 66.29);
--color-orange-400: oklch(0.75 0.183 55.934);
--color-orange-500: oklch(0.705 0.213 47.604);
--color-orange-600: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--color-orange-700: oklch(0.553 0.195 38.402);
--color-orange-800: oklch(0.47 0.157 37.304);
--color-orange-900: oklch(0.408 0.123 38.172);
--color-orange-950: oklch(0.266 0.079 36.259);
--color-amber-50: oklch(0.987 0.022 95.277);
--color-amber-100: oklch(0.962 0.059 95.617);
--color-amber-200: oklch(0.924 0.12 95.746);
--color-amber-300: oklch(0.879 0.169 91.605);
--color-amber-400: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--color-amber-500: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--color-amber-600: oklch(0.666 0.179 58.318);
--color-amber-700: oklch(0.555 0.163 48.998);
--color-amber-800: oklch(0.473 0.137 46.201);
--color-amber-900: oklch(0.414 0.112 45.904);
--color-amber-950: oklch(0.279 0.077 45.635);
--color-yellow-50: oklch(0.987 0.026 102.212);
--color-yellow-100: oklch(0.973 0.071 103.193);
--color-yellow-200: oklch(0.945 0.129 101.54);
--color-yellow-300: oklch(0.905 0.182 98.111);
--color-yellow-400: oklch(0.852 0.199 91.936);
--color-yellow-500: oklch(0.795 0.184 86.047);
--color-yellow-600: oklch(0.681 0.162 75.834);
--color-yellow-700: oklch(0.554 0.135 66.442);
--color-yellow-800: oklch(0.476 0.114 61.907);
--color-yellow-900: oklch(0.421 0.095 57.708);
--color-yellow-950: oklch(0.286 0.066 53.813);
--color-lime-50: oklch(0.986 0.031 120.757);
--color-lime-100: oklch(0.967 0.067 122.328);
--color-lime-200: oklch(0.938 0.127 124.321);
--color-lime-300: oklch(0.897 0.196 126.665);
--color-lime-400: oklch(0.841 0.238 128.85);
--color-lime-500: oklch(0.768 0.233 130.85);
--color-lime-600: oklch(0.648 0.2 131.684);
--color-lime-700: oklch(0.532 0.157 131.589);
--color-lime-800: oklch(0.453 0.124 130.933);
--color-lime-900: oklch(0.405 0.101 131.063);
--color-lime-950: oklch(0.274 0.072 132.109);
--color-green-50: oklch(0.982 0.018 155.826);
--color-green-100: oklch(0.962 0.044 156.743);
--color-green-200: oklch(0.925 0.084 155.995);
--color-green-300: oklch(0.871 0.15 154.449);
--color-green-400: oklch(0.792 0.209 151.711);
--color-green-500: oklch(0.723 0.219 149.579);
--color-green-600: oklch(0.627 0.194 149.214);
--color-green-700: oklch(0.527 0.154 150.069);
--color-green-800: oklch(0.448 0.119 151.328);
--color-green-900: oklch(0.393 0.095 152.535);
--color-green-950: oklch(0.266 0.065 152.934);
--color-emerald-50: oklch(0.979 0.021 166.113);
--color-emerald-100: oklch(0.95 0.052 163.051);
--color-emerald-200: oklch(0.905 0.093 164.15);
--color-emerald-300: oklch(0.845 0.143 164.978);
--color-emerald-400: oklch(0.765 0.177 163.223);
--color-emerald-500: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--color-emerald-600: oklch(0.596 0.145 163.225);
--color-emerald-700: oklch(0.508 0.118 165.612);
--color-emerald-800: oklch(0.432 0.095 166.913);
--color-emerald-900: oklch(0.378 0.077 168.94);
--color-emerald-950: oklch(0.262 0.051 172.552);
--color-teal-50: oklch(0.984 0.014 180.72);
--color-teal-100: oklch(0.953 0.051 180.801);
--color-teal-200: oklch(0.91 0.096 180.426);
--color-teal-300: oklch(0.855 0.138 181.071);
--color-teal-400: oklch(0.777 0.152 181.912);
--color-teal-500: oklch(0.704 0.14 182.503);
--color-teal-600: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--color-teal-700: oklch(0.511 0.096 186.391);
--color-teal-800: oklch(0.437 0.078 188.216);
--color-teal-900: oklch(0.386 0.063 188.416);
--color-teal-950: oklch(0.277 0.046 192.524);
--color-cyan-50: oklch(0.984 0.019 200.873);
--color-cyan-100: oklch(0.956 0.045 203.388);
--color-cyan-200: oklch(0.917 0.08 205.041);
--color-cyan-300: oklch(0.865 0.127 207.078);
--color-cyan-400: oklch(0.789 0.154 211.53);
--color-cyan-500: oklch(0.715 0.143 215.221);
--color-cyan-600: oklch(0.609 0.126 221.723);
--color-cyan-700: oklch(0.52 0.105 223.128);
--color-cyan-800: oklch(0.45 0.085 224.283);
--color-cyan-900: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--color-cyan-950: oklch(0.302 0.056 229.695);
--color-sky-50: oklch(0.977 0.013 236.62);
--color-sky-100: oklch(0.951 0.026 236.824);
--color-sky-200: oklch(0.901 0.058 230.902);
--color-sky-300: oklch(0.828 0.111 230.318);
--color-sky-400: oklch(0.746 0.16 232.661);
--color-sky-500: oklch(0.685 0.169 237.323);
--color-sky-600: oklch(0.588 0.158 241.966);
--color-sky-700: oklch(0.5 0.134 242.749);
--color-sky-800: oklch(0.443 0.11 240.79);
--color-sky-900: oklch(0.391 0.09 240.876);
--color-sky-950: oklch(0.293 0.066 243.157);
--color-blue-50: oklch(0.97 0.014 254.604);
--color-blue-100: oklch(0.932 0.032 255.585);
--color-blue-200: oklch(0.882 0.059 254.128);
--color-blue-300: oklch(0.809 0.105 251.813);
--color-blue-400: oklch(0.707 0.165 254.624);
--color-blue-500: oklch(0.623 0.214 259.815);
--color-blue-600: oklch(0.546 0.245 262.881);
--color-blue-700: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--color-blue-800: oklch(0.424 0.199 265.638);
--color-blue-900: oklch(0.379 0.146 265.522);
--color-blue-950: oklch(0.282 0.091 267.935);
--color-indigo-50: oklch(0.962 0.018 272.314);
--color-indigo-100: oklch(0.93 0.034 272.788);
--color-indigo-200: oklch(0.87 0.065 274.039);
--color-indigo-300: oklch(0.785 0.115 274.713);
--color-indigo-400: oklch(0.673 0.182 276.935);
--color-indigo-500: oklch(0.585 0.233 277.117);
--color-indigo-600: oklch(0.511 0.262 276.966);
--color-indigo-700: oklch(0.457 0.24 277.023);
--color-indigo-800: oklch(0.398 0.195 277.366);
--color-indigo-900: oklch(0.359 0.144 278.697);
--color-indigo-950: oklch(0.257 0.09 281.288);
--color-violet-50: oklch(0.969 0.016 293.756);
--color-violet-100: oklch(0.943 0.029 294.588);
--color-violet-200: oklch(0.894 0.057 293.283);
--color-violet-300: oklch(0.811 0.111 293.571);
--color-violet-400: oklch(0.702 0.183 293.541);
--color-violet-500: oklch(0.606 0.25 292.717);
--color-violet-600: oklch(0.541 0.281 293.009);
--color-violet-700: oklch(0.491 0.27 292.581);
--color-violet-800: oklch(0.432 0.232 292.759);
--color-violet-900: oklch(0.38 0.189 293.745);
--color-violet-950: oklch(0.283 0.141 291.089);
--color-purple-50: oklch(0.977 0.014 308.299);
--color-purple-100: oklch(0.946 0.033 307.174);
--color-purple-200: oklch(0.902 0.063 306.703);
--color-purple-300: oklch(0.827 0.119 306.383);
--color-purple-400: oklch(0.714 0.203 305.504);
--color-purple-500: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--color-purple-600: oklch(0.558 0.288 302.321);
--color-purple-700: oklch(0.496 0.265 301.924);
--color-purple-800: oklch(0.438 0.218 303.724);
--color-purple-900: oklch(0.381 0.176 304.987);
--color-purple-950: oklch(0.291 0.149 302.717);
--color-fuchsia-50: oklch(0.977 0.017 320.058);
--color-fuchsia-100: oklch(0.952 0.037 318.852);
--color-fuchsia-200: oklch(0.903 0.076 319.62);
--color-fuchsia-300: oklch(0.833 0.145 321.434);
--color-fuchsia-400: oklch(0.74 0.238 322.16);
--color-fuchsia-500: oklch(0.667 0.295 322.15);
--color-fuchsia-600: oklch(0.591 0.293 322.896);
--color-fuchsia-700: oklch(0.518 0.253 323.949);
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100% {
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50% {
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100% {
transform: translateY(-25%);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.8, 0, 1, 1);
50% {
transform: none;
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);
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