1. Interactivity
  2. field-sizing



Utilities for controlling the sizing of form controls.

field-sizing: fixed;
field-sizing: content;


Sizing based on content

Use the field-sizing-content utility to allow a form control to adjust it's size based on the content:

Type in the input below to see the size change

<textarea class="field-sizing-content ..." rows="2">
Latex Salesman, Vanderlay Industries

Using a fixed size

Use the field-sizing-fixed utility to make a form control use a fixed size:

Type in the input below to see the size remain the same

<textarea class="field-sizing-fixed w-80 ..." rows="2">
Latex Salesman, Vanderlay Industries

Responsive design

Prefix a field-sizing utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at medium screen sizes and above:

<input class="field-sizing-content md:field-sizing-fixed ..." />

Learn more about using variants in the variants documentation.

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