1. Typography
  2. content



Utilities for controlling the content of the before and after pseudo-elements.

content: <value>;
content: var(<custom-property>);
content: none;


Basic example

Use the content-[<value>] syntax, along with the before and after variants, to set the contents of the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements:

Higher resolution means more than just a better-quality image. With a Retina 6K display, Pro Display XDR gives you nearly 40 percent more screen real estate than a 5K display.
<p>Higher resolution means more than just a better-quality image. With a
Retina 6K display, <a class="text-blue-600 after:content-['_↗']" href="...">
Pro Display XDR</a> gives you nearly 40 percent more screen real estate than
a 5K display.</p>

Referencing an attribute value

Use the content-[attr(<name>)] syntax to reference a value stored in an attribute using the attr() CSS function:

<p before="Hello World" class="before:content-[attr(before)] ...">
<!-- ... -->

Using spaces and underscores

Since whitespace denotes the end of a class in HTML, replace any spaces in an arbitrary value with an underscore:

<p class="before:content-['Hello_World'] ...">
<!-- ... -->

If you need to include an actual underscore, you can do this by escaping it with a backslash:

<p class="before:content-['Hello\_World']">
<!-- ... -->

Using a CSS variable

Use the content-(<custom-property>) syntax to control the contents of the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements using a CSS variable:

<p class="content-(--my-content)">
<!-- ... -->

This is just a shorthand for content-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically.

Responsive design

Prefix a content utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at medium screen sizes and above:

<p class="before:content-['Mobile'] md:before:content-['Desktop'] ...">
<!-- ... -->

Learn more about using variants in the variants documentation.

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