5-part mini-course

Build UIs that don’t suck.

Short, tactical video lessons from the creator of Tailwind CSS, delivered directly to your inbox every day for a week.

When you build UI components that are used by tens of thousands of developers, you learn to really care about the details, like:

  • Building layouts that don't break when the content is longer than you planned for in Figma
  • Making a table scrollable, without the content getting cropped by the page padding
  • Automatically aligning icons in dropdown menus, even when some items are just text
  • Making an entire card clickable, without destroying the experience for screen readers
  • Fine-tuning click targets for mobile, without making everything else harder to maintain
  • Getting the border radius mathematically perfect on nested elements, without hard-coding magic numbers

“Build UIs that don’t suck” is a crash course in some of the coolest tricks I've picked up over the years building things that need to be both beautiful and bullet-proof.

Every day for a week I'll send you a short video lesson walking you through an interesting UI problem, as well as the code so you can play with it yourself and adapt it for your own projects.